What Exactly Does The 'SRS' Text We See On Car Steering Wheels Mean? What Does SRS Do?

SRS controls the automatic airbag and automatic seat belt. That's why it is also called 'SRS Airbag' and 'SRS seat belt'.

In the event of a possible collision, this system prevents the driver and passengers from hitting the hard points of the vehicle.

This system also ensures that the seat belt hardens and locks in the event of a collision.

The system works instantly thanks to the sensors in the car's airbag and seat belt.

These sensors connected to the SRS can monitor many data such as the vehicle's speed or braking.

Let's remind you before we end our content. If the "SRS" warning light is on in your car, it indicates a problem with the system and your airbags or seat belts may not be working. Therefore, you should definitely contact a service.

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